From Home to Beyond

The sweet-scented memories now sway by my desk from time and within. The memories which bring a chest of emotions, pure within but ephemeral on the shell. The dancing thoughts always halted upon the familiar faces, faces that can’t be swept away even from the subconscious. A series of ecstatic faces and figures, showed up every other day, simply because I was going to the college. A college far away where my paraphernalia of life for the past eighteen years, would cease to be with me. This inscrutable truth was kept on ignored by me, but not for long. The day which I least aspired of, of leaving home was already glancing through the first set of sunrays. The family plays a crucial role in departing us hiding their feelings in the best way possible. So, we set upon the journey of traveling physically, yet emotionally took the longest time. After touring the vicinity of the campus, we entered the campus with high hopes and thankfully they haven’t left me till now. A...