Media Conversing with Problems


Many hardships and tussles are going over in India. There are companies bidding goodbye, factories going for hibernation, education going nominal and the nation being comatose. And I would not like to exaggerate the pandemic, as the media is doing their job.                                              

Let us get an ear to the conversation going on within the country as different characters participate in expressing their views. This conversation is a part of humor and satire mingled to give way for media.    


Economist:         India is entering into an economic recession. We have attained a GDP of -23.2%. It is being predicted that half of the population will go unemployed. Grave news isn’t it?

Media:                 Yes, it is grave news but our audience is worried about the booming positive cases. And we also personally like flashy and breaking news. So, we don’t really think that this would be a great topic to consider.

Workers:             There is nobody to hear our plea, please help us to get us back to our villages. Is there someone to respond to our panorama of lamentation? We are sleeping with hungry stomachs and all the basic services have been banished. Please help us out.

Media:                  Yes, that seems to be great coverage for the day. We would get to these locations and power up the great live coverages for our nation-responsible audience. We can’t arrange transportation for them. At the same time, would blame the government for being slow in acclimatizing to the situations!

Police:                  The public is getting agitated for getting outside their homes. Some of them are causing trouble in maintaining lockdowns. Please spread awareness through your programs. This will help us a lot.

Media:                  No…. That’s an old technique to aware the citizens. Instead, we would host some of the comedy channels delivering the in-depth coverage of who are being beaten up on the roads. That would be a good plan to ignite apprehension in people.

Schools:               The teachers are facing problems handling technology. On the other hand, creativity and productivity are gradually flowing away from the student’s side. They are facing headaches, sight problems, etc. None of the students or teachers is continuing hygge in their daily lives.

IPL Fans:              Hey, that’s awesome. IPL has started and everyone knows who’s gonna win… But we have an extreme dislike for who says that all this is fixed. What the heck! How can you say this? At least there is something to be happy about in pandemic.

Middle Class:     Our businesses have thrashed to their lowest. There isn’t a penny coming in the home, but the expenses are still the same, even higher. The daily wage earners and the small businessmen have gone hungry.






Media:                  Don’t you people run out of breath mentioning all these problems? Please all maintain the decorum of the country. We aren’t even paying heed to your silly problems…

                                By the way, we are busy with a very grave and hot topic for the country. We are investigating even more than our NCB. Yes, you got it. We are determined towards the Drugs case going over in India. We have deployed our journalists at every corner in Bombay.

                                We are covering each and every second as the case moves forward. We have got quite many achievements in this case. Like following the car of Rhea very closely, capturing the dress code of Sara, Deepika, Rakul, creating opinions on Deepika’s every tear-drop, passing judgments before the court, and many other difficult jobs.

                                Phew! What an exhausting job…


And that’s how the conversation ends …

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  1. Waiting for more such wonderful articles !!
    Great write up !

  2. Waiting for more such articles !!
    Great write up !!

  3. This is so accurate. Really appreciate the research and time you put into making your blogs. Well written 👏👏

  4. Very nice beta, really you are awesom, your all blogs are mindblowing, keep it up👌👌👌👍👍👍👏

  5. Absolutely true..
    Great work...Really liked it.��������

  6. Very mature and really amazing write up....👌👌
    You have really brought up important and crucial topic...and well presented...
    The conversation was really interesting....
    Well done...👍👍👍👏👏👏

  7. Instead of doing own work diligently everyone is intersted and try to interfere in other's job.

  8. Divyansh singh rathoreOctober 13, 2020 at 9:23 AM

    Well done ! Keep it up

  9. Thanks a lot for the appreciation and for keeping your views on the topic. Do keep reading the blogs and don't forget to subscribe. I am overwhelmed by your response.Thank you very much...

  10. Mayank the blog was really nice.
    The idea of dialogue writing is also nice.
    Well done
    Keep it up.

  11. it is really nice to put it that way.
    well done!


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