PLAN-DEMIC and Propaganda



he pandemic has continued for more than a year now, and we are still left in the dark for the real reasons behind this pandemic. Was this actually planned or just a naturally occurring once-in-a-hundred-year event? I personally don’t think of it as a 100-year event, because there is no assurance that another pandemic will wait 100 years from now. As the think tanks are in action, many of the conspiracy theories are being surfaced. The reason behind this is so much detrimental to humanity, that it will and surely will reoccur in the future. In this blog, I briefly indicate some of the many clues left in the air.


The pandemic as we see is only a scene of pity and destruction of families all over the world. Contrastingly, when the unprincipled people see the scenario, they add a little more degree in their view. Some see it as a business boom, some see it as the beginning of authoritarianism, while some see it as a sideway to make things work that were on a halt till now, some see it as an opportunity to loot money even from basic necessities. There are infinite such implicit reasons that can be drawn out when this all ends. Currently, we know less than a percent about the real reasons for erecting the pandemic barrier between us and the information.

The first and foremost suspicion grows towards the behemoth organizations scattered around the globe. Can this be the play of a few big people in the world? The social media sector generated huge revenues from the growing loneliness around the world. The pharmaceutical industries hit a jackpot during this time. They earned money and goodwill, both at the same time. E-Commerce and IT companies seized their profits by finding ways to sustain the livelihoods of people. MNCs tripled their power and production worldwide. The small-scale producers and petty businessmen were the ones who were crushed from both sides. Let’s now try to look behind the curtain, that there is a possibility these behemoth organizations may have known that a pandemic would be there in 2019 and there would be a time when all the people would be locked up in their homes. So, whatever are the basic needs, we’ll attack directly onto them.


A person would need social media and a work-from-home environment. So, let’s deliver him the best of the best services that lure him into technology and its trap. Don’t let a person rise from the trance that he can have entertainment and knowledge without technology. Streaming apps, social media websites, online food and vegetable delivery, online shopping apps, AI-enabled devices, online education, etc. What have all these services made us? Inefficient, lazy, overdependent on technology, imbalanced on emotional grounds, less creative, less knowledgeable, less mature. Studies show, that when cell phones were taken away from people, they heard phantom vibrations, continuously reached for phones which weren’t there, and became restless. These are some of the same withdrawal symptoms that you would expect from doing drugs.


Take a glance at the hike, especially Netflix and WhatsApp

Let’s look upon the pharmaceutical industries, aren’t they happy that the pandemic is doing great? Is it a possibility that few of the big vaccine producing companies would have come together to formulate a strategy of Demand and Supply? On the first move, these companies would start by setting a lethal pathogen on the loose. Then they would express their sympathy for the sufferers. And finally, when the time will come, they will introduce the vaccine they had prepared a long time ago when the genesis of this virus was also done. They would also start to exercise the policy of authoritarianism over the nations. We have known for decades that the image of WHO is not good. By manipulating the data, these pharmaceutical companies show that the vaccine they invented is just the best than any other vaccines produced anywhere. They would pressurize the governments to purchase in bulk their vaccines if they want to get freedom from COVID. Take an example of manipulation mixed with greed, a CEO of a respectable national vaccine producer company, flies off to another nation, saying that he can’t take on the pressure and conditions of his motherland. He decides to set up a manufacturing unit there and affirms to export vaccines from the same place. Not only this, some days after, he comes with a proposal of donating 5 million vaccines to that nation, when at the same time his motherland is in the tight grip of the pandemic. Just think about the situation and decide the plan of action if you were in the first place.

Coming to an end, these are all possibilities that can be true or cannot be. These are just a handful of probabilities, not all of them. One gets to know the veracity of these possibilities only when the media functions to the fullest and clears the fog. And at the time, another thought rises that despite the fact, that media has evolved to a better interface linking between the problems and us, why are we still in confusion? Why the media, which has an inside into everything, has not clarified anything till now? Why is it just interested in bloviating the situations and not in uncovering the truth? This is just another possibility that might go into the void when the truth reveals itself about the plan-demic and the propaganda behind it.

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  1. Wow!!!great content

  2. Superb write up!!
    What a perspective you've!!
    Just AWESOME 👏👏👌👌

  3. Explicit! !
    I lack for adjective to praise your efforts and content above... .

  4. Interesting..!

  5. The blog was really nice 👍 and interesting.
    This blog is very much related to today’s environment.
    Keep it up 👍😀

  6. Thank you everyone for reading the blog and sharing your views on this...


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