The Mahatma - Gandhi

“Non-Violence is the greatest force at the disposal of man. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.”

This was the belief system of a person who renounced the world through his idea of ‘Ahimsa’. He was a person of integrity with always an optimistic view to the world. He had a benevolent attitude towards not only his countrymen but the people from the outside sphere of India. All of them just had a glimpse of seeing a lord before them watching his magnanimous personality.

The one who fully lived his life worthwhile and up to the limits where no one can establish his success to the peak. He did not strive to be a distinct persona but took risks on his account and determined the goal to the independence of our country. He is the father of our nation, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He left out a spirit flaming with the fuel of self -determination and ethos, and now we have to enlighten the whole world with his credence proving that violence is only a delusion to the mankind. It is making us weak day by day and reducing the chances of our holistic growth with our companions.

As a student and the upcoming generation to embrace the culture of my country, I am the bearer of the values and respect that my motherland has imparted onto me. We should take a cohesive step towards the betterment of our nation. We should follow the trail which was once followed by Gandhiji. It is the journey to tranquillity of one’s own self.

We should now apprehend that the final solution of any difficulty is not only violence, it can be solved by recognizing the far end of our brains. We should be mature enough to ponder upon someone other’s perspective. The only fact is to wait for others point of view and then to take decisions prudently. Not moving expeditiously, many of the countries in current scenario are on the verge of war, because of some meek reasons which are amplified by the social, religious, economic or political interference. Any such judgement must be procured upon only one factor i.e. Humanity.

 The additional title which was referred to Gandhiji was the one who can bring a change for the advancement of India through the means of unity, patience, hard work and determination. He epitomized that great changes start with a single person. Likewise, we shouldn’t think that the big things can be got after getting big. This is a pessimistic idea. Instead it is always the time of ‘now’ to achieve your goals and be successful.
The power to pursue the non-violent activities and to make others actively participate in this movement derives from the supremacy of truth. Gandhiji always had faith in the motto “Truth Always Wins”. He made truth an involuntary function in all his noble deeds. This was the feature which inspired people the most. In our lives also, we should formulate the truth as a part of our livelihood. The truth speaking will enhance our way of living and build an optimistic personality.

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes.”-Mahatma Gandhi

We all are cognizant of the three monkeys of Gandhiji, they demonstrate the three characteristics i.e. Speak No Evil, Listen No Evil, See No Evil. The basic knowledge they impart to us is that we should do no evil or harm to any of the creatures by taking part in listening, speaking or seeing. But according to my point of view, the three monkeys want to convey some more tidings to us. They are also urging to resist no evil, which is the main fundamental of Gandhiji. He always said that we should fight against the Injustice to anyone.

Latter most, if we resolve to walk on the footsteps of our “Bapu”, we will be able to transform ourselves into real and ideal inhabitants of our beloved country, India. If we are called the responsible citizens of our country then surely India will emerge from the humankind as a superpower and result in the interminable victory of our country. We are proud to take birth from the holy soil of our motherland and will continue to march on the words of Mahatma Gandhi… 



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