Illusion Of Our Backwardness (Part-2)

(Continued from the Part-1)
….. Fourthly, the Ashtadhatu  or the octa- alloy is a pure and sacred form of alloy which is found only in the vicinity of India. It is composed of eight metals, namely- Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Tin, Iron and Antimony or Mercury. The Ashtadhatu  idols were made only in the Hinduism And the Jainism, and the oldest among them so discovered have been dated to around 1,000 AD. These idols have a value reaching up to millions of rupees in the international market. This is not entirely because of their ancient origin but also because of their extremely rare and unknown composition. That’s why, either these idols are stolen or smuggled for studying their composition, but no one has understood this enigma till now. And hence, the exact composition is unknown to the world in reference to the common perspective of achievements. The Ashtadhatu  that we use now in the form of rings, necklaces, holy offerings, etc. is not as pure as the real one. Another fact to look upon is that the invention or discovery of Ashtadhatu  was done thousands of years ago, when the technological advancement was nowhere near the level we have achieved today. They had the knowledge that they gained from spiritual sources which we have not been able to gain till now from our so-called science. While all the invaders and kings were busy in the search of gold and silver only, we the Indians had gained a thing more precious than them.

Fifthly, the ending days of 2019 have ignited an apprehension in the whole world. We all are cognizant of this pandemic – Covid 19 or Novel Corona Virus. In the recent days, the Namaste  has quite been in trends. The humankind has adapted to the conditions as an alternative to the handshakes as it is a more hygienic form of greeting. But apart from this, there are certain other pros of this pose, most of which are not known to the Indians also. In yoga, this is known as ‘Anjali Mudra’. By joining hands, we are relating to the “vacuum” (the invincible) and are at a level of ‘Divine Consciousness’ in our body. Its historical essence reveals that by uttering the word, we are connected to the Earth element in the universe. As a result, there is an inflow of spiritual energy into the individual through the universe. By shaking hands, there might be a transfer of either positive energy or negative energy, but with Namaste  there is only a transfer of positive energy. Somewhat more interesting is the fact that joining both hands and tips of all fingers together activates the pressure points in the ears, eyes and the part of mind which is associated with memory. So, it is believed that the person at the opposite end is remembered for a long time.

Lastly, the direction is diverted back to the education and knowledge point, where the discussion was in the terms of language. This is based on the riches of the education we gained and glorified it in the world. If we think about the renowned universities of the ancient India, the vague guesses include the Takshshila University at Punjab, Pakistan and the Nalanda University at Bihar, India. These were the mines from where the future of the Bharatvarsha  was mined. These universities gave out scholars like Chanakya, Charaka - the Indian Father of Medicine, Panini - the Indian Grammarian, Chandragupta Maurya, Nagarjuna, Hiuen Tsang, etc. The records speak that these universities had had students from the regions of Tibet, China, Korea, Indonesia, Central Asia, etc. and attracted the teachers and scholars from abroad. India was the one of the most educated and knowledgeable nations. This could be estimated from the fact that India and surrounding territories were given the title of “Arya Desh”  meaning the most civilised and educated region and the outer area was termed as the “Anarya Desh”, totally opposite to the former. 

Wrapping up, I would like to say that have we sullied the purity of our holy soil’s erudition which was passed on for its posterity. Why have we acquired a mentality of backwardness and are implying it forcefully on our lives? Why are we addicting our mind to the foreign culture and nodding our heads according to their will? Why are we waiting reluctantly for our achievements to be ratified by others? Why are we trying to get in flow with the foreign civilisation abandoning ours? There are many more interrogations to be done and till the time these interrogations don’t finish we will be pulverized by others and will continue to give a vicarious punishment of backwardness to all.

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