The Right to Harm

The right to harm is the new black for the dark errands of the human brains. Nowadays it has gained the enormity of the moment. Although, it is not sanctioned by the government but approved by the society. It has now taken the form of a man-made monster which is empoisoning its approvers including the deterioration of the ethnicity and gravity of the human race.
The deadly monster is continuing its breath through its indispensable limbs which have comforted themselves in various communities. These have to be enervated or amputated from the root. The limbs have granted opportunity in the fields of cyber harm, economic harm, societal harm, intellectual and physical harm and many other forms. In the hour of modernisation, care and love of the humans is deforming into the shadows of misery and are contributing in its growth.
In current scenario, this monster is haunting the boundaries of nature and wildlife. The man is so much hungry that he has now started gobbling up the reasons for his genesis which will evolve into another monster for his posterity.
There are numerous incidents that have apprehended the meek lives. Recently, the society was again faced by opprobrium. This time the symbol of peace came into the trap of the monster. An alive and innocent pigeon was ruthlessly pushed inside a firecracker and was lighted afterwards, in front of the public. Just because of insane fun, the humanity turned into sycophancy. Many such incidents are similar in essence but are detrimental in line with  various aspects.
The percentage is burgeoning that the mankind will end up in the state of war between themselves as well as the nature. So, we have to extricate this right and the depredations faced by the mankind. It is up to us that we consider today as Day One or One Day or else the situation of Do or Die will transform into our tomorrow. Presently, the second option is predominating the future. 


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