Illusion Of Our Backwardness (Part-1)

The brain of a backward whether in social or economic aspect always aspire to run in the rat race of the richer section, but both of them have a thing in common that they think they are at the extremes of the group. The point we are not cognizant is the fact that the extremes are same in temperature and possess equal opportunities and cautions. And as on the same surface, every backward can change the respect of his extreme to neutral. Firstly, we are humans that can help the so-called mentality of unequal genesis to be diminished peacefully and be the spirits of peace thumping gladiators who have lowered them to hearts as well as the ‘societal standards’ internationally.
The backwards however don’t have a designation, they could be rich or poor, could be strong or constrained, could be progenies or new comers; exists a large number of varieties in the globe. But specifically, the one who doesn’t have enough wealth or doesn’t possess enough knowledge or is not up to date with the society turns into a backward. More to the point, in India, we the Indians face major impediments to be updated with the outer world and prove ethnicity or more perfectly our aboriginal characteristics for we were called the “golden bird” and then we are forced to commit sacrilegious acts. There are various instances from the current as well as the past with strong disapprobation for our advanced history and knowledgeable now. The history of India is glorified by the continuous and scientific discoveries and inventions with hairline-accuracy but are struggling till date to make the outer world agree from both the ends.
Firstly, talking about the metallurgy, one of the mostly used substance is Zinc. Centuries ago, India was the one and only exporter of Zinc. The knowledge and accuracy for obtaining Zinc from Zinc ore rested with India and kept it a secret for more than 4,000 years. We are unaware of the fact that we were the inspiration for others and were the first too.
Secondly, in the section of language we believe till now that English is superior than Hindi. It gives us more civilized look and makes us compatible with the world. We think that English has increased the standards and is more perfect in speaking, writing and in forms of expression but this was a mere trick of the Britishers through the New Education System that they indulged in our culture and ruined it from top to bottom. They deteriorated the education system of Indians and enhanced it according to their ways. Hindi focuses on the primary vocal training and speech improvement rather than English. The Hindi alphabet has been divided into sets according to their pronunciation. The first set is the “ka, kha, ga, gha, etc.”. They are divided upon their deepness of pronunciation which is the least in starting but increases further. There are similar characteristics for other sets also. But this sense of understanding and accuracy is not to be found in English alphabet.
Thirdly, about the usage of biodegradable things, we have always made an effort to do more. But recently a news came from Thailand that they have developed leak-proof food bowls from leaves, an alternative to Styrofoam containers and took more than a year to develop the process. The best part is that they received recognition and honors from throughout the world on their great achievement. The achievement they made was available in every household in India ages ago and survive till now and is called the “pattal dona”, eponymous to what they achieved year after ……
To Be Continued (Part 2)

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  1. Very very nice beta...bravo..keep it up👍

  2. It is very good, but I have an advice for you i.e. you could have made it more reader-friendly. The reader should get attracted by the first line itself...

  3. Hi Mayank, a very well thought subject matter. Brilliant examples quoted in the last paragraph too.
    Having said that, i couldnt really find the connect between zinc exports and the illusion you are talking about. India was the number one exporter once and now it is among the top 5. Is it not more related to the natural reserves and the ability to churn profits out of them rather than backwardness? Or is there some other point that you want to put forth?
    Further, there is a very fine line in being eloquent and being verbose, be wary of that. There is a general syntactical rule that your sentences should be <25 words in length. Go beyond that and you lose both, the reader's interest and his appreciation of your context. Your average sentence length should hover around 17-20.
    Other than this, you are learning very quickly and a very good job in mirroring the current scenario. Keep it up!

    1. Thanks for the feedback. One thing to clarify, that the article is based on the motive of our excellency in diff. fields and the achievements we've made. But the current generation is attracted towards distrusting our ethnicity and moving to the outer world for an advanced life. This article is a satire to those and wants to finish their illusion of the inner feeling of backwardness for our culture, discoveries, aboriginal characteristics, etc. Once again thanks for the true feedback.

  4. A well written piece surely signifies it is written by a well read author. Good job in the last para, it certainly voices the opinions of many of the young thinkers who are not narcissistic and believe in embracing Indian culture and norms as they are. Just a small piece of advice would be that to try and make the introduction stronger in terms of appealing the non-readers too.
    All the best!

  5. Very well written mayank....keep it up


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